Is Your Business Fire Compliant? (Updated: 2024)

Take our quick survey to ensure your organisation and your premises are compliant with the most recent fire safety legislation and guidelines.

Fire Safety Survey for UK Organisations

This short survey covers the main aspects of UK fire regulation and is aimed at highlighting areas where your organisation may not be compliant with fire regulations.  This should not be used as a definitive tool to confirm compliance as there are specific circumstances relating to the nature of your organisation or premises that may give rise to exemptions and additional requirements.

1. Fire Risk Assessment & Designated Person

When did you most recently perform a fire risk assessment for your premises?
Do you know who is designated at the 'responsible person' in your business as defined by legislation? *
How many people are there in your business? *
Do you have a formal, written fire risk assessment? *

Are you confident that your 'responsible person'  is competent in:

Identifying fire hazards? *
Identifying people at risk? *
Evaluating the level of risk in your premises? *
Removing or reducing risk where possible *
Determining what fire safety measures/procedures are appropriate in future *

2. Your Fire Safety Log Book

Do you have a Fire Safety Log Book on your premises?
Is your Fire Safety Log Book located where everybody who needs it knows where it is?
Does your fire safety log book contain details of fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers?
Does your fire safety log book contain details of your fire safety procedures such as the evacuation process, training etc

3. Fire-fighting Equipment in Your Business

Are fire extinguishers present and immediately accessible in your premises?
Does your premises have additional fire-fighting equipment such as sprinklers or hose reels?
Are you confident that 'appropriate fire-fighting equipment' is available on your premises, as required by legislation?

4. Fire Detection & Emergency Lighting

Do you have fire alarms and detectors that have been installed and supplied by a fire safety professional?
In case of fire and a loss of main lighting, would your emergency lighting allow everybody in the building to find emergency routes and exits without difficulty?

5. Fire-Safety Signage

Do you have signage on your premises that directs people towards fire safety equipment, emergency routes and emergency exists?
Do you have a Fire Action Notice and Fire Extinguisher ID Sign on your premises?

6. Fire-drills & Safety Training

Are you confident that all staff know what to do in the event of a fire or fire alarm activation?
When did you most recently conduct a full fire drill on your premises?
Do you have a procedure for ensuring new employees are trained in your business's fire safety procedures?

Request a Free Detailed Site Assessment

This survey will be sent to you by email. We'll arrange to discuss the areas where you may not be compliant and provide solutions for bringing your premises in line with UK legislation. This is essential for avoiding serious penalties that include unlimited fines and prison sentences for those responsible and for keeping your staff safe.

Please remind me to do this survey again in 1 year

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01553 423 433